The film is directed by Jaak Kilmi and Lennart Laberenz, and follows Reet Aus’s daily life over a period of five years. Between 2009 and 2014, the production crew followed the designer at her catwalk shows and in her civic engagement activity, which took her as far as the cotton plantations in South America and in Bangladeshi garment factories. The same kind of textile factories which were recently visited by reporters from French TV show ‘Cash Investigation’, who denounced the questionable practices of certification issuer Better Cotton Initiative, which supposedly promotes the use of responsibly sourced cotton.A public panel discussion will follow the screening, featuring Reet Aus, Sakina M’sa, a French designer who is also active in this field, and Adèle Rinck, the head of communications at Eco TlC, a French institution working on the creation of a recycling chain for textiles and apparel. The panellists will discuss industrial waste in fashion and will attempt to offer solutions for encouraging material recycling and reduce the environmental impact of one of the world’s most polluting industries.
The event will be held at the auditorium of the French Fashion Institute within Cité de la Mode, and is part of the ‘Loov Kultuur’ exhibition, running from 8th December 2017 to 21st January 2018, dedicated to Estonian artists active in design, fashion, street art and photography.